Monday, September 24, 2007

As if Houston Nutt didn't have enough problems, what with being up to his backside in alligators without Florida even being on the schedule, now this. The arrest of one Michael Smith for felony forgery after using a stolen credit card to buy $96 worth of goods or services at 3 convenience stores.

Yes, the same Michael Smith who fumbled Kentucky back into last Saturdays' game right before the half, turning a possible 23 or 27 to 7 lead into 20-13. Then there was the injury to Crosby Tuck, the only Hog receiver to score a touchdown thus far this season.

To add insult to injury, Nutt was booed lustily late in the Kentucky game and is being roundly criticized on talk shows and the internet. Both Reggie Herring and David Lee stepped up and took responsibilty for their units' struggles, something the Head Coach has never done, unless I missed it.

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