One thing about being an Arkansas Razorback fan, with a coach named "Nutt", a Quarterback named "Dick" and the former QB having been named "Johnson", you're bound to be the butt of a few jokes. Last year with Danny Nutt on the staff as running backs coach, there were 2 Nutts and 1 Dick. Now with D. Nutt having resigned for health reasons and with the addition of Casey Dick's younger brother Nathan as a back-up Quarterback, the reverse is true. So much for the Hog being anatomically correct.
Anyway, here are a few Houston Nutt jokes for your enjoyment.
What do a hot fudge Sundae and razorback football have in common? They would both be better without the "nutts"!
Did you know that Houston Nutt has already picked out his Halloween costume? He was advised, by text message of course, to choose something that no one would ever think of him as. So he's going to the Halloween party as a football coach.
Included is a pic from an email I received, entitled "Hoot wants to be a millionaire". Enjoy.
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