Friday, November 02, 2007

Hootie Having A "Banner" Year

Every Hog fans' favorite punch line was in the news this week for proclaiming in an interview that fans who fly banners, etc without giving their name are "gutless".

Oh, and I guess leaking lies to the press to make an 18 year old freshman and his mother look bad is courageous?

And sending the same 18 year old freshman a scathing email through a family friend is brave?

I personally am not afraid to attach my name to articles critical to Hootie. My name is on here. I would not hire a plane to fly a banner over the stadium and not use my name. But if someone else does it... Questionable, but not necessarily gutless.

And if it helps any at all to get Hootie out of the picture due to his constant lying of the last couple of years, shady ethics and incompetent coaching this season it will have been worth it.

I'm not saying Hootie is a bad coach. What he is is the epitome of mediocrity. I'm sure he has his good points as a person, but they have been pretty well hidden the last 2 years. It's time for a change for both he and the Hog football program.

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