Monday, October 15, 2007

On the same night that saw the Hogs fall to 0-3 in the SEC at RRS, just a few blocks away at the Walton Arts Center on Dickson Street, a few hundred dance enthusiasts came to see the Houston Ballet. The Houston Soap Opera and the Houston Ballet performed almost simultaneously.

I doubt that anyone flew a banner over the WAC before the performance. If they did, what would it say? Here are a few suggestions: "The Houston Ballet Dancers Have Two Left Feet!". How about: "Houston Ballet, We Have A Problem". Or: "Houston Ballet, Who Choreographs Your Show, Lisa Nowak?".

In spite of the obvious differences in the two shows, the Demozette's Michelle Parks gave the HB a rave review, while most of the crowd and press assembled at RRS would likely be a little less enthused about the Hogs' "performance". However, there were some similarities. For any Nutt-Huggers reading this, that means they were somewhat alike.

Here goes: at the start of one number, seven male dancers jumped randomly in place, sort of like male cheerleaders, or Houston Nutt and members of his staff on the sidelines. Here's another: The men, described by Ms. Parks as having "chiseled bodies", mimicked one another's movements. Sort of like Nutt in his rah-rah Harry Highschool routine of singing the fight song to the student section. Except for the part about the chiseled bodies, in Nutt's case.

Furthermore, according to the article, the dancers formed a family of 2 parents and 4 children. Like the Nutts. Then, two of the brothers "danced in a flurry". Like Houston and Danny. The same Danny who was in the coaches box for the UK game and who is still padding the payroll.

To top it off, "11 couples moved in unified and individual parts". Kinda like football players. Then at the conclusion of the number, "they all fell flat to the stage", just like the Hogs down the street.

I don't have a clue about such "artsy-fartsy" goings on, just what I read in the article. But, I do know this: if the Houston Ballet had performed "The Nutcracker Suite", it would have brought down the house.

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