Sunday, October 14, 2007

Well, for any so-called "Haters", which has come to be one of the most overworked phrases in the version of English we speak in our country, who might have felt sorry for Houston D. Nutt after the loss last night, it's on! His comments about his contract running until 2012 and "I'm not going anywhere" in his presser today? Red meat to the ever-growing legion of his detractors. "The Army of 'Haters' to the North" is what his wife called them.

As if Nutt's only detractors live in Springdale. I've got news for you Mrs. Nuttcase, in a recent online poll run by KTHV Channel 11 in Little Rock , your husband's hometown, 95.9% of the respondents want a new Head Coach for the football team.

HDN's enemies list is well populated in every corner of the Natural State and sure to grow longer with every loss and asinine statement he makes to the press. In fact, you could call it the "Au Natural State" as more people every day realize the Emperor of the UA football program has no clothes.

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